
How to care for the umbilical cord stump?

How to care for the umbilical cord stump?


Baby's belly

The umbilical cord plays a huge role in the development of the baby in the womb. The blood vessels located in the umbilical cord play a key role in ensuring the exchange of, among other things, nutrients between the mother's bloodstream and the baby's bloodstream. Shortly after birth, the umbilical cord is severed and what remains is the so-called umbilical cord stump, which many parents find difficult to care for. Proper care of the umbilical cord stump will not only ensure rapid healing of the wound, but will also reduce the risk of infection.


How to care for the stump properly?

Until a decade or so ago, a common stump care procedure was to wash the stump with spirit. It was also common to lubricate the navel with gentian solution, which stained the stump a characteristic purple colour. Nowadays, according to the recommendations of the Polish Neonatology Society, disinfectants should be used to care for the stump - the agent recommended by the PTN is Octenisept. Neonatologists recommend that no other agents should be used apart from Octenisept, especially spirit and gentian solution, which may cause irritation and result in prolonged healing of the stump. The process of the stump falling off begins with the peeling off of the cutaneous umbilical ring, which can be observed by parents when they gently lift the stump upwards. The gap between the skin on the tummy and the stump requires extremely careful care - it is here that dirt, flaky skin and debris are deposited, which can lead to infection. Both midwives and neonatologists recommend spraying sanitary pads with disinfectant and washing the stump and skin with it. It is also recommended to spray a cotton bud with disinfectant and gently clean the area between the skin and the stump. It is important to remember that it is essential to wash your hands before cleaning the stump each time! It is also important to protect the stump from getting wet when bathing the baby. Keep in mind that the stump does not cause pain to the child. The surface of the stump is not innervated, so grooming does not cause unnecessary pain. Before the stump falls off and the wound heals, it is a good idea to invest in nappies that have specially cut edges that do not snag on the stump and do not irritate the healing area.

photo: pantherstock

What should parents be concerned about?

Worrying symptoms related to stump care and healing include :

  • Oozing of fluid from the stump,
  • The appearance of oozing, either from the stump or from the junction with the skin,
  • A bad smell,
  • Appearance of pus,
  • Severe redness of the skin around the stump,
  • Flaking of the skin around the stump,
  • Appearance of blood.

Any of the above-mentioned symptoms, it is essential to consult a doctor. Inadequate hygiene of the umbilical stump can lead to the emergence of infection, which can pose a real risk to the baby's health.