Multiple sclerosis, S is classified as a chronic, progressive disease of the central nervous system (CNS). It is an incurable disease. The diagnosis very often changes the whole life of the sufferer, causing anxiety, confusion and depression.
However, it is possible to live a normal life with the disease, without giving up work, physical activity or contact with friends.
Multiple sclerosis and physical activity and injuries
There are no contraindications to physical activity for patients with S, especially in the early stages of the disease. The patient should be motivated to do the sport he or she enjoys, as it helps maintain general mobility, plays an important role in physiological rehabilitation, increases self-esteem, convinces of one's own abilities, has a therapeutic effect and influences the patient's positive attitude.
Over time and as the disease progresses, certain physical activities change and become less frequent as the disease progresses and associated symptoms appear. At this stage, the form of physical activity should be adapted to the patient's general condition and abilities. Special attention should be paid to the patient's mental attitude.
Swimming and all exercises performed in water are particularly recommended physical activities. These exercises do not burden the patient and do not cause injuries or damage to the body. In water, all muscles are active, the patient can even move a limb with inertia (the weight of the body is lower in water), relieve painful muscles and practice balance. The calming and relaxing effect of being in water is very important.
Walking and walking with sticks is another very helpful activity. These should be regular and, importantly, can be accompanied by friends and acquaintances. When you walk, all your muscles work and, importantly, your body releases happiness hormones (serotonin and endorphins). This has a very positive effect on our outlook, mood and attitude towards ourselves and the world.