
How to support a woman before gynaecological surgery?

Katarzyna Kurek Source: C. Łepecka-Klusek, A. B. Pilewska-Kozak, K. Syty, G. Jakiel, Potrzeba wsparcia psychicznego kobiet w okresie oczekiwania na operacje ginekologicznej, Przegląd Menopauzalny 5/2010

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How to support a woman before gynaecological surgery?


Support in a difficult situation

While waiting for a gynaecological operation, it is important to have psychological support from the family and the partner to help overcome the fear and anxiety that have accompanied the sick woman since the beginning of the illness.


Having to undergo surgery is a situation in which there is often an increased sense of: lowered self-esteem, loss of feminine qualities and attractiveness to the partner. Communicating supportive and reassuring emotions to the patient, helps to express concern for the other person's health and thus, can help to change the sick patient's negative self-perception.

The suggestion of an operation can affect a woman's psyche in two ways: it can be a positive factor when the sick woman thinks of the operation as a chance for a cure, or it can be a negative factor when it causes severe stress and fear for her health and life. Anxiety among women about to undergo gynaecological surgery is mainly due to the fact that hospitalisation excludes them for a certain period of time from their roles in the family, social and professional life.

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The very fact of undergoing treatment is stressful, as the initial ignorance about the procedure, its timing, complications and convalescence makes the woman feel lost and counts on the support of more than just loved ones and medical staff.