
How to support a woman before gynaecological surgery?

Katarzyna Kurek Source: C. Łepecka-Klusek, A. B. Pilewska-Kozak, K. Syty, G. Jakiel, Potrzeba wsparcia psychicznego kobiet w okresie oczekiwania na operacje ginekologicznej, Przegląd Menopauzalny 5/2010

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How to support a woman before gynaecological surgery?


Support in a difficult situation

While waiting for a gynaecological operation, it is important to have psychological support from the family and the partner to help overcome the fear and anxiety that have accompanied the sick woman since the beginning of the illness.


In a study conducted in hospitals using a questionnaire, when asked what they feared most, women said:

  • "detection (or confirmation) of a malignant tumour" 72.8%.
  • the remaining 27.2% indicated pain, postoperative complications, loss of femininity and/or fertility.
  • psychological support from others was expected in the pre-operative period by 87.9% , including from relatives 61.8% and from health professionals 26.1%.
  • the persons most frequently referred to by the respondents were the husband (partner), children, parents, friends and, of the medical professionals, equally often the doctor and the midwife.
  • there were also some women in the study group, 12.1%, who stated that they coped well on their own and did not need support.
  • the vast majority of respondents 78.3 stated that during the waiting period for surgery, they could count on help and support from their family;
  • the remaining 21.7% answered that they could not count on such support.

As can be seen, fears arising from a difficult health situation are justified, but it is worth taking measures to reduce the stress and fear of surgery.

A proven way to reduce fear and anxiety is, in addition to psychological support from loved ones, patient education. In the same way, talking to other women who have been in a similar situation has an impact on improving the wellbeing of a patient preparing for surgery. Nothing is more reassuring than talking to someone who is currently in the same situation as us.

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The mutual exchange of information between patients about the disease, its course and talking about fears and anxieties brings many benefits for both the patient and her family. Psychological support increases women's sense of control over their lives and motivates them to adopt an attitude of actively fighting the disease, so it is worth showing your loved ones mainly psychological support, as this will allow them to recover faster and reduce any anxiety accompanying the fight against the disease.