
Intimate matters, i.e. talking to your partner about sex

Slawosz Marcisz

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Intimate matters, i.e. talking to your partner about sex


Couple spending time in bed

Building and maintaining a relationship is not just about living together, cuddling and shopping trips to the nearest hypermarket. The basis of any relationship is conversation - and not just the conversation about the day at work or the list of things to buy. It also concerns topics that are often difficult - such as sex.


Surrounded by eroticism

Can talking about sex be difficult? After all, we are surrounded at every turn by newspapers offering plenty of erotic advice. We encounter adverts and programmes that are downright saturated with eroticism. Despite this, however, many people are reluctant to discuss intimate intercourse with a loved one. Embarrassment and shame, treating sex as a taboo subject, do not make it easy to start a conversation.

Talking is not criticising

Often, there is also the fear that the partner may feel embarrassed by our comments, perceive them as criticism and be discouraged from further activities in the erotic field. In addition - especially among men - there may be a feeling of losing the image of the strong guy, who, after all, cannot show his tenderness and sensitivity.

Moving away from routine

During physical contact, there are certainly things that give more or less pleasure. Your partner will not always be able to guess this. By doing the same things over and over again and believing that this is for the best, he or she may (quite unknowingly) lead to a lack of development of intimate contact in the relationship and, in extreme cases, even to its break-up. After all, a woman is different from a man - she has different sensitivities, different expectations, often different sexual habits and experiences.

photo: panthermedia

Encode your bodies

Doubts arise as to what to call certain parts of our bodies. In such a situation, you can use medical terminology or, preferably, create your own dictionary of terms that you both understand without being embarrassed.

Instruction as a conversation starter

Although every couple assumes that, after all, they understand each other perfectly without words (recognising that, after all, it could not be otherwise) , talking about intimate topics together (lying in bed together, for example) can have many benefits. If you feel very uncomfortable, start by "instructing" your partner - by guiding his or her hand with certain movements, you can show what gives you the most pleasure, where your most sensitive spots are.