
Intractable vomiting in pregnancy

Anna Piotrowska Source: Prof. dr hab. n. med G. Bręborowicz: Położnictwo i Ginekologia, PZWL 2010, Warsaw, pp. 28-30. J.Tkaczuk-Włach, D.Robak- Chołubek, M.Sobstyl, A. Baran, G.Jakiel: Nieowściągliwe vomoty ciężarnych; Przegląd Menopauzalny 2007; 5, pp. 310-315.

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Intractable vomiting in pregnancy



During pregnancy, around 30% of women complain of nausea while half complain of both nausea and vomiting.


Intractable vomiting in pregnancy is severe vomiting that is diagnosed before the 16th week of pregnancy. They have been found to be similar in intensity to cancer patients during chemotherapy. The condition affects 0.3- 1.5 % of pregnant women. Sometimes they are so intractable that these women require hospitalisation, which is indicated when weight loss is more than 5%.

So far, there are no exact causes for their occurrence. One theory suggests that nausea is related to trophoblast activity resulting from elevated gonadotropin levels. Such women have been found to have higher levels of hCG.

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Another theory is that it is caused by higher levels of anxiety and emotional tension. Such a condition is most often seen in immature, hysterical women. There is a greater risk of unrestrained vomiting in twin pregnancies. Others see the cause in increased progesterone levels.