
Intractable vomiting in pregnancy

Anna Piotrowska Source: Prof. dr hab. n. med G. Bręborowicz: Położnictwo i Ginekologia, PZWL 2010, Warsaw, pp. 28-30. J.Tkaczuk-Włach, D.Robak- Chołubek, M.Sobstyl, A. Baran, G.Jakiel: Nieowściągliwe vomoty ciężarnych; Przegląd Menopauzalny 2007; 5, pp. 310-315.

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Intractable vomiting in pregnancy



During pregnancy, around 30% of women complain of nausea while half complain of both nausea and vomiting.


One study showed that 95% of women suffering from this condition tested positive for Helicobacter pylori infection. Attention should also be paid to changes in motility, gastrointestinal tract, corpus luteum dysfunction, adrenal insufficiency and anterior pituitary lobe.

Factors that increase the risk of occurrence are:

  • obesity;
  • multifetal pregnancy;
  • trophoblast disease;
  • unrestrained vomiting in a previous pregnancy;
  • first pregnancy;
  • hyperthyroidism and hyperparathyroidism;
  • lipid metabolism disorders;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • eating disorders e.g. bulimia.

When diagnosing problems with intractable vomiting, it is necessary to undergo laboratory tests. In the first instance, the occurrence of pregnancy is confirmed. Useful tests include blood count, electrolytes, liver enzymes, amylase, lipase, thyroid hormones, HCG bata, creatinine, urea and general urine tests. It is important to exclude other possible causes of vomiting such as gastritis or liver dysfunction.

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The pregnant woman should avoid unpleasant smells, follow a light carbohydrate diet, divide her meals into smaller ones but eat more frequently during the day. Eat solid and liquid foods separately at two-hour intervals. Antiemetics can also be used, but after consulting your doctor. Ginger extract also has a positive effect. Alternative treatments include acupuncture or psychotherapy.