
Just ask me to dance....

Anna Pyka

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Just ask me to dance....



(...) I'm not counting on anything else. And not true, because I am counting. I am counting and dreaming like every woman (including the performer of the song: Anna Jantar) to be immersed at least once in a crazy dance, one that brings oblivion and often also vertigo. To taste this moment of oblivion for once.


Dance is a very important part of any culture. Existing since the dawn of time, it has divided and united people. It has sometimes included prayers transmitted from the vale of tears to the world of the gods. Today, there is also a cult of dance. Turn on the television, for example, and you will find dance programmes, dance films, special music channels focused on dance. In the press we find flashy advertisements inviting us to dance courses.

Few, however, remember what dance itself is. And dance itself can be understood in many ways. The first - the simplest - is to perform a sequence of steps, movements and gestures, with the best possible accuracy, with the greatest possible passion. And rightly so. However, I encourage a different view. Firstly, dance can be understood as an expression of joy. In order to understand this, it is necessary to forget about conventions, about rules, and about having someone watching us. Even if our dance is to be stillness, the most important thing is to be sincere.

It's nice to look at a man completely lost in dance. For a moment, the lack of demonstrated contact with the outside seems a bit ridiculous, but then we know that this person is in some unspecified, better 'world'. Arguably, it is a world without problems, resentment and everything we struggle with on a daily basis.