
Media image of women and eating disorders

Katarzyna Kurek

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Media image of women and eating disorders


Watching TV

The image of women has changed over the centuries according to cultural requirements and the passage of time.


The model of beauty was initially women with "Rubensian shapes", then the Venus de Milo with wide hips and small breasts, until the appearance of so-called sex symbols such as Marilyn Monroe. Nowadays, the predominant image of women is that of a very slim, even immature woman, disturbed in terms of the development of tertiary sexual characteristics, e.g. body hair or physique.

As recently as the 1950s, a model was about 8 per cent thinner than the average woman; today, the figure is already 20 per cent. This is all due to global fashion, which has a huge impact on the perception of female beauty.

Following the example of models who adhere to very strict dietary rules and often have eating disorders, young women have also started to slim down en masse. The problem is mainly that by following the wrong diets - unsupervised by nutritionists, with incomplete meals, causing too much weight loss - the health of the slimming woman can be negatively affected.

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The World Health Organisation (WHO) has appealed to fashion designers to stop showing unnaturally thin models on the catwalks, but not everyone has agreed. The modern model of female beauty has become so commonplace that we can see it everywhere: in newspapers, in films, in music videos and even in advertisements for everyday products.