
Mum, don't eat for two

Health Factory, press release

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The rule is simple: pregnant women should eat 'for two' and not 'for two'. And although it is said that mums-to-be must not deny themselves anything, the truth is somewhat different.


It is worth paying attention to provide the body with 25% more vitamin E, 13 to 23% more ascorbic acid and about 30% more B vitamins. The intake of other vitamins increases between 20 and 60%.

The same is true for minerals. Meals enriched with magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine, selenium and copper reign supreme on the tables of mothers-to-be (for the sake of their unborn daughters or sons). Increased standards for calcium and phosphorus have meant that they do not need to be supplied in greater quantities during pregnancy.

Special attention should be paid to iron. It is scarce in breast milk, so the mother-to-be adds to her diet such foods as meat, processed meat (except offal), leafy vegetables, apricots, prunes, etc.

Where can I find folic acid?

The consequences of a folic acid deficiency can be devastating. Women who are planning to become pregnant enrich their meals with folic acid before they conceive. They often eat leafy vegetables (especially greens), spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, tomatoes, peas, beans, lentils, soya beans, beetroot, nuts, sunflower seeds, liver, egg yolk, wheat, oranges and avocados.

A deficiency of this vitamin can lead to neural tube formation in the child and even to meningo-spinal hernias and brainlessness!

The health of the mother-to-be and her baby is a priority. Ignoring it can end badly. So often we say that it is not the sex of the baby that counts, but that it should be healthy. So let's provide our children with the best!

If you want to know how to take care of yourself and your unborn baby properly during pregnancy, visit Our dieticians have developed special nutritional programmes for all mums who want to find out what to eat to help their baby develop properly, at this extremely important stage of life.