
Natural ways to treat sunburn

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Natural ways to treat sunburn


Sunbathing with sunscreens

Staying in the sun for too long can end in swelling, erythema or blisters with serous fluid. Sunburn is a very painful condition. We suggest how to help yourself by using home remedies to alleviate the discomfort caused by too much exposure to the sun's rays.


Table of contents:

  1. Degrees of sunburn
  2. Ways to get a sunburn
  3. Summary

Sunburn is the result of the adverse effects of UV radiation - it occurs when the amount of solar radiation that enters the skin exceeds the protective capacity of the pigment (melanin) in the skin.

Important! People with fair skin are most at risk of sunburn.

Sunburn primarily develops on:

  • face,
  • cleavage
  • arms,
  • lower abdomen,
  • the inner surface of the thighs.

Degrees of sunburn

Sunburns result in 1st and 2nd degree skin damage (3rd degree sunburns are rare).

  • 1st degree burns - cause redness and burning of the skin (damage to the superficial layer of skin occurs).

Important! For 1st degree burns, home remedies work best to alleviate the effects of sunburn.

  • second-degree sunburn - involves the superficial as well as the deeper layer of skin. Not only does redness and burning occur, but also pain and blistering on the skin.

Important! Second-degree sunburn requires medical consultation due to the possibility of bacterial infection.

With sunburn, the most important thing is to alleviate the skin irritation.

Treatments for sunburn

Home remedies for sunburn are just as effective as preparations available in pharmacies or drugstores. Many natural products are characterised by their skin regenerating and irritation-soothing properties (e.g. yoghurt, chamomile, aloe vera).

  • cold compresses - these should be changed frequently (they heat up quickly) and used for a longer period of time (up to 30 minutes) until the pain caused by the sunburn has disappeared,
  • natural yoghurt, buttermilk - rubbing these products on the burned area soothes and cools it. The tension and swelling of the skin is reduced and the erythema disappears.

Important! These products restore the correct pH of the skin and form a protective film on the body against the harmful effects of pathogenic microorganisms.

  • aloe vera - the pulp of the plant applied to the burned area of the body significantly relieves pain and reduces erythema. Aloe vera has healing properties and also accelerates the resolution of inflammation and thus skin regeneration,

How-to-treat-sunburns, Natural-remedies-for-sunburns, Sunburns

Tanning, sun cream, photo: panthermedia

  • chamomile - a cool infusion should be applied to the burned area. Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect,
  • calendula - compresses of calendula infusion eliminate inflammation,
  • mint - the menthol found in mint leaves is an effective natural cooling agent.

Important! Mint increases the skin's sensitivity to UV radiation. The compresses should therefore be applied in the evening. The next day, make sure your skin is clean before going out.

  • witch hazel - a tonic is made from this plant (reduces redness and itching of the skin. It cools and accelerates healing),
  • slices of chilled tomato or cucumber - keep on the skin for about an hour.

Important! Tomatoes contain lycopene (an antioxidant that draws heat from the burned area).

  • boric acid packs - apply a paste made from 2 tablespoons of cosmetic clay, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of honey to the skin,
  • honey - contains enzymes and probiotics with properties good for the skin. Honey has an anti-inflammatory effect (reduces swelling and redness) after excessive sun exposure.

Important! Honey is sensationally suitable as a mask for skin irritated by sunbathing. Massage the honey gently into the skin and leave it on for several minutes, then wash it off with water.

  • oatmeal - an effective treatment for sunburn. It soothes pain and reduces swelling. A bath with a large handful of oatmeal thrown in water will soothe the skin,
  • potatoes - a poultice with potato juice or potato slices applied to the skin is good for burns,
  • corn flour - a paste of corn flour applied to the skin (add a little water to the flour and mix) is ideal for burns,
  • vinegar - has an effect similar to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The vinegar poultice brings relief to the skin and allows the skin to regain its normal pH. The compress should be left on for 15 minutes,
  • egg white - raw eggs have cystatin (an enzyme inhibiting inflammation) and lysozyme (an enzyme with antiviral and antibacterial effects).


Sunbathing should be used with caution - use creams with UV filters, wear headgear, sunglasses, avoid sun exposure between 10am and 2pm, and drink plenty of water during hot weather .