
Our winter bad

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"Hu Hu Ha!!! Our winter bad!
It pinches our noses, it pinches our ears,
With frosty snow in our eyes,
With the wind in the fields,
Our winter bad!"


Little kiddies don't like too much the whole ceremony of dressing up in winter overalls and even less the lubrication with creams, but of course it all depends on us parents how we approach it.

If we treat it as part of the fun, sing along and let the child do some of the work themselves then it certainly won't be so scary and will even be fun.

And the effort is worth it, because skin that is properly moisturised well in advance of a walk is not so exposed to the elements and constant daily care with moisturising cosmetics will certainly pay off.

Of course, the skin on the little hands should not be forgotten, which should also be protected with gloves.

I hope that this year we will finally get snow and a real winter, which for sure will not be bad but will give us lots of fluffy snow for winter madness and will let us listen to the gentle crackle of snow under our boots.