Strange behaviour or bipolar affective disorder? Many people wonder when we can talk about bipolar affective disorder and when we are dealing with a person with a strong character, confident, overly calm, withdrawn from family life and contacts with friends.
It is certainly not advisable to diagnose the patient alone - specialist medical examinationand psychiatric experience are required for this. In some cases, the diagnosis of bipolar affective disorderis not straightforward and can take a long time.
How are people with bipolar affective disorder perceived?
People with bipolar affective dis order have no control over their behaviour and cannot control it, which does not mean that it is intentional or deliberate. The illness is characterised by episodes of depression (withdrawal, lack of vital energy, lethargy, anxiety, withdrawal, lack of desire to interact with others or crying), periods of mania/hypomania (hyperactivity, explosiveness, imposing one's opinion and reasons on others, inappropriate bursts of laughter, etc.) and mixed episodes.
Those affected are very often judged and criticised by others. This often involves a lack of understanding about behaviour, conduct, speech and much more. However, let us try not to judge or classify these people. The way they behave at any given time is very often not up to them, and without appropriate treatment and support from loved ones, they are unable to cope. It is therefore crucial to learn as much as possible about bipolar disorder, its course and treatment options.
Let's not judge people with BPAD, photo: panthermedia
Understanding the illness its stages (deterioration and periods of remission) will allow a better understanding of the patient and their needs. It is very important that family, relatives and friends attend meetings with the therapist (individual, group, in the counselling centre or at home) together with the patient. There, patients learn, among other things, how to control their own behaviour and emotions, how to understand the causes of the illness, how to treat it and the periods surrounding it.
We should also try not to judge or label people with bipolar disorder as aggressive, hyperactive, dangerous or, on the contrary, as excluded from family life, social life, always dissatisfied, anxious and closed in on themselves. These types of assessments are very hurtful and unfair. Let us remember that we are dealing with an illness and not deliberate, intentional, malicious behaviour on the part of the patient.