
Postpartum - what every woman should know about personal hygiene

Barbara Nowok, Anna Błaszczyk. Katarzyna Drozd

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Postpartum - what every woman should know about personal hygiene


Happy woman

The puerperium is the period after the birth during which the changes that occurred during pregnancy and childbirth are reversed in the woman's body. It begins with the birth of a complete afterbirth and most of the changes take place within 6 weeks.


During the postnatal period, it is very important to properly maintain perineal hygiene by:

  • protecting the perineum in the first 6-8 hours after birth (until you get up) in a sterile way (use sterile pads), at home use maxi pads,
  • washing the perineum before each pad change, e.g. with grey soap, lotions, intimate hygiene gels or boiled water with an aseptic agent,
  • maintenance of the correct direction of washing and drying of the perineum, i.e. from the pubic area towards the anus (never! from the anus towards the labia),
  • washing at least three times a day, bearing in mind that during the first few days one should wash after every bowel movement and/or urination, especially if the perineum has been cut or if there are any injuries,
  • the use of cold compresses on the perineum, wrap pieces of ice in clean gauze and apply them briefly every so often until relief is felt,
  • dry the perineum very well, preferably with a disposable towel or hair dryer, when drying with a towel remember to use "soaking" movements and not rubbing the irritated area, bacteria are very fond of warm, moist places,
  • wash your hands before and after each pad change, this is very important to avoid transferring bacteria to other areas of the body or to the newborn,
  • to properly secure and quickly remove the pads from the home, in order to eliminate as far as possible the source of infection from the environment of the newborn and from the mother who is susceptible to any type of infection,
  • change the pads before each feed, during feeding the uterus is subject to rhythmic contractions and faeces can come out in greater quantities, this will also prevent you from having to stop feeding,
  • for the first 6 weeks use a shower and avoid baths. During the first baths, ask someone to help you or at least tell you that you are going to take a shower, do not use water that is too hot. A bath in the tub is possible after the excrement has stopped,
  • rest frequently, you are tired sit in a comfortable position or lie down,
  • airing the perineum, lie on your back with your legs bent at the knees without underwear, put only a towel or something light and airy on your legs, let the access of air facilitate the healing process of the perineal wound,
  • wear underwear made from natural materials, preferably cotton, completely avoid tight, airless artificial underwear and tights. In the first few days wear disposable fleece panties available from the pharmacy, which are very breathable,
  • start quickly as early as 6-8 hours after birth, but only if you feel up to it and always with assistance. Also remember to start gymnastics designed for postpartum women if there are no contraindications, find out more here:,3767,0
  • using the correct technique for lying down and getting out of bed: lie on your side, let your legs down from the bed, sit on one side, slowly get up. Pain when changing position can be particularly troublesome after a perineal incision and suture. You may also want to use a rubber disc or swimming hoop to put across your buttocks when lying down,
  • taking care of proper bowel movements. Reduced bowel tone, abdominal pressure, flaccidity of the abdominal tissues after childbirth will make the first defecation really difficult, to avoid this follow a diet rich in fibre and drink plenty of fluids. For more information click here:,3237,0
  • absolutely stop using tampons,
  • going for a check-up 6 weeks after giving birth if you haven't had any symptoms of concern before. Read:,372,Kontrolne%20badanie%20ginekologiczne%20po%20porodzie
  • deciding to have intercourse after your check-up visit and only if your doctor does not find any contraindications,
  • taking care of your well-being, e.g. by looking nice and going shopping, do not forget that you are still a woman apart from becoming a mother,

Consult a gynaecologist immediately in the situation:

  • severe pain in the lower abdomen or perineum with additional redness and/or swelling of the perineal area,
  • a change in the appearance, amount and smell of your puerperal discharge,
  • small amount or complete stoppage of faeces,
  • heavy bleeding from the genital tract,
  • fever or persistent sub-fever.

In spite of the many difficulties that occur after giving birth, every woman should take care of herself (her own well-being) so that she continues to feel beautiful and attractive and does not let difficulties deprive her of the pleasure of being a mother. The course of the postnatal period depends mainly on the woman herself, but the immediate environment also has a major influence on a successful motherhood. The support of those closest to her is very important in these difficult, yet most beautiful moments for both parents.

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