The best way to prevent diabetic neuropathy in advance of the diagnosis of diabetes itself, let alone just afterwards, is a regime of maintaining glycaemia at moderate levels and regular blood glucose testing.
Fasting and adherent glycaemia (measured 4-6 hours after eating a meal), should be below 100 mg% (usually 60-99 mg%). However, when the fasting glycaemia is between 100-125 mg%, this indicates fasting hyperglycaemia. An oral glucose tolerance test should then be performed after a load of 75 g of this sugar. If, 2 hours after drinking the glucose solution (in 250 ml of water), the glycaemia level is 140-199 mg%, we are dealing with abnormal glucose tolerance.
Fasting hyperglycaemia together with abnormal glucose tolerance signify a pre-diabetic state. This fact should prompt the patient to make lifestyle changes with particular attention to measures against neuropathy.
photo: pantherstock
When, on the other hand, the level of the aforementioned monosaccharide is higher than 200 mg%, an additional fasting plasma or venous serum glucose test should be performed 8-14 hours after the meal. In the case of the result of the above-mentioned test stating a glucose level higher than 125 mg% and accompanying characteristic symptoms, one can speak of diabetes.