
Show your heart with a blue bracelet

Press release: Star PR

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Show your heart with a blue bracelet



If you see a person wearing a blue bracelet that says "I have a cardioverter defibrillator" or a green bracelet that says "I have a pacemaker" - this means they are a patient with an implanted cardiac device. Show him or her help and empathy. This is the message of an information campaign aimed at sensitising the public to the problems of people with cardiac implants.


Due to the ageing population, the number of people with cardiac implants is increasing. In 2012, a total of 37,2921 cardiac devices (pacemakers, cardioverter-defibrillators, pacemakers and cardioverter-defibrillators with cardiac resynchronisation function) were implanted in Poland. The purpose of the implanted devices is to stabilise the heart rhythm, prevent sudden cardiac death by interrupting dangerous arrhythmias and improve cardiac performance.

- I had implantable cardioverter defibrillator surgery two years ago. Before leaving the hospital, I was given a blue silicone bracelet that said 'I have an implantable cardioverter defibrillator'. A few months later I fainted in the street and, thanks to the information on the bracelet, the paramedic who came to me knew immediately what action to take. Within 2-3 minutes I was brought back to life. I think that this type of bracelet should be worn by all people with implanted pacemakers and cardioverters-defibrillators, because it can help them, just like it helped me," says Darek Woźniak from Katowice, Poland.

The 'Show your heart with a blue bracelet' campaign was initiated by a patient, Mr Darek Wozniak, and was born out of the needs of patients with cardiac implants who ask for empathy
and understanding. The aim of the awareness campaign is to sensitise the public to the problems of patients with pacemakers and cardioverter-defibrillators.

The project will include an instruction manual on how to assist a patient with an implanted cardiac device should he or she fall ill outside the home, and how patients should be treated by security guards at magnetic gate locations. The topic of the campaign will also be promoted in the media.