A sore throat is one of the ailments that everyone is generally familiar with. In most cases of a sore throat there is no need to visit a doctor - it can be treated with home remedies - but sometimes consulting a doctor is simply necessary. So when is it necessary to go to the doctor with a sore throat - what problems might suggest such a necessity?
In the course of viral ph aryngitis, the symptoms can certainly be troublesome for the sufferer, however, they are typically not of great intensity. In this case, sore throats may be accompanied by problems such as rhinitis (catarrh), dry cough or fever.
However, much more troublesome are those symptoms that occur in the course of bacterial pharyngitis. For patients, the problem can be not only a severe sore throat, but also fever - which can even reach very high values of up to 40 degrees Celsius. The fact that pharyngitis has a bacterial aetiology can also convince:
- enlargement of the lymph nodes in the neck,
- swelling and tenderness of the tonsils,
- the appearance of a plaque (e.g. whitish) within the tonsils.
Of course, it is possible to measure the temperature yourself at home, but not necessarily to assess the tonsils. For this reason, if there is any doubt as to whether a sore throat is caused by a viral or bacterial infection, one should definitely see a doctor. Detecting the cause of the sore throat is, after all, important in order to determine exactly what treatment will be optimal for the individual patient with pharyngitis.
Duration of sore throat
Typically, a sore throat associated with pharyngitis lasts for several days. Although the exact duration of the discomfort varies, it is standardly stated that a sore throat lasts for a maximum of 5-7 days and then subsides. If time passes and the sore throat persists - even though it should normally go away - you should also visit your doctor. It may turn out, for example, that one form of pharyngitis has developed into another.
This can happen, for example, in the case of viral pharyngitis. This may be the patient's first problem and there may be a general lowering of immunity. Such a phenomenon is even anticipated by various bacterial species, as it makes it easier for them to colonise the throat. Eventually, the patient who originally developed viral pharyngitis may develop bacterial superinfection and suffer from bacterial pharyngitis. In such a situation, antibiotic therapy may be necessary for treatment. If the problem persists for more than a week, for the reasons mentioned above, it is then necessary to see a doctor with a sore th roat.
Age of the sore throat patient and the need to see a doctor
When analysing when it is necessary to go to the doctor with a sore throat, it is also worth considering the age of the person suffering from pharyngitis. Just as it is easier for an adult to assess the intensity and nature of the symptoms tormenting them, it is not necessarily the case for a child. For this reason, it is best to visit a doctor with children who suffer from sore throats - especially the youngest ones.