
Stammering - causes and treatment

Katarzyna Kurek

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Stammering - causes and treatment


Visit with your child to a psychologist

Stammering is a speech disorder that affects 1% of the adult population and 4% of children. It is more common for boys to stammer than girls. Stammering is defined as a disease or symptom thereof and as a neurosis or syndrome thereof.


The mechanism of onset of stuttering is varied. In the classical view, stuttering and its symptoms are perceived as something unpleasant and inappropriate, which gradually causes the sufferer to fear speaking.

As a result, the stutterer feels social rejection, minimises his or her aspirations and begins to avoid communicating with other people. Stammering can also be the result of neurosis. Under the influence of strong emotions, anxiety arises, which can have a paralysing effect and forces defensive actions.

The symptoms of stammering in this case can be seen as learned ways of coping with the emotional conflict experienced. Stammering is treated with speech therapy. Therapies are usually aimed at reducing or eliminating symptoms. Providing emotional support to the person who stutters is very important. A speech therapist will help with speech problems in a physical way, but the basis of this disorder also lies in the patient's psyche.

Accepting stuttering and fighting against it can be the 'key' to regaining confidence and fluency in speech. How do you talk to people who stutter?

You need to be patient and listen to the speaker to the end, while trying not to make them feel unnecessary time pressure. Showing impatience and rushing a person who stutters will certainly not help you communicate with them, and you may unnecessarily offend someone with this behaviour. Eye contact should not be avoided during the conversation, as the person who stutters will sense our embarrassment.


It is important not to give advice such as "Slow down" - our interlocutor may find this demeaning and humiliating. All it takes is knowledge, acceptance and understanding so that people who stutter can feel comfortable and confident in our company.