
Sun dangerous for the eyes

content: dotPR, press release

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Sun dangerous for the eyes


Sunshine, joy

The hot days are fast approaching. During this period, we need to take special care of our eyes. Failure to protect them from harmful UV radiation is a common cause of conjunctival burns and can even lead to the development of eye diseases such as cataracts and MAD.


Symptoms of MAD (age-related macular degeneration) include impaired central vision, progressive decrease in visual acuity (especially at close range), slight glare, image distortion, decreased visual acuity and difficult colour discrimination. The exudative (morca) form of MAD can lead to severe visual loss in as little as three months. In developed countries, the disease is the most common cause of sight loss in people over 50 years of age.

A diet rich in antioxidants good for the eyes

With the right diet, you can strengthen your body and protect your eyes from the damaging effects of free radicals. Substances that neutralise free radicals are antioxidants (antioxidants). These are natural substances whose presence is easily recognised by the intense colours of vegetables and fruit, orange (carrots, peppers, tomatoes) and violet (blueberries, beetroot, blackcurrants).

Eye protection against free radicals can be further enhanced by a diet rich in vitamins A, C and E. Vitamin C, found mainly in citrus fruits, strengthens blood vessels and reduces the risk of cataracts by improving lens nutrition. Vitamin E is highly concentrated in pigment epithelial cells and its main functions include inhibiting compounds that damage blood vessels. Natural sources of vitamin E are mainly edible oils and lettuce.

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Protect your child's eyes

In addition to UV-filtered glasses and diet, artificial tears can provide additional eye protection. They are available at any pharmacy, without a prescription. Thanks to them, we can prevent dryness. It is worth remembering this especially during holidays, as it is a pity to waste the pleasant and warm days of a holiday on treating unprotected eyesight.

It is also extremely important to take care of children's eyes. The lens of the eye does not stop ultraviolet rays until the age of 10-12 years. Consequently, frequent exposure to the sun without protection can lead to serious damage to the child's retina. So do not forget to protect the eyesight of the youngest and wear sunglasses for them too.