
Telematics in audiology

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Telematics in audiology


Video Advice

Telemetry and teleinformatics systems are developing more and more rapidly under the influence of advances in innovative technologies. Medicine is also benefiting from such solutions, with tangible effects and advantages for both patients and medical professionals. Many areas of medical care are already using such solutions, making it possible to continuously monitor the patient in the case of cardiology or to measure and programme the device remotely in the case of audiology.


How to measure the effectiveness of ICT applications?

The best indicator of the effectiveness of the use of ICT solutions is the opinion of the users themselves, i.e. the patients. They express overwhelming satisfaction with this way of providing services. What is more, it is repeatedly associated with an increase in the quality of life of the patient, who, by saving his or her time, can receive medical care as needed, and any disease progression or emerging defects are quickly and easily detected [2].

Methods and techniques

Among the tests that telemetry or ICT systems use are audiological tests that are often used in everyday clinical practice, and these include otoacoustic emissions (OAEs), auditory evoked potentials (ABRs), tonal audiometry or hearing screening using an otoscope.

Methods used in telefitting are similarly common - telemetry measurement of the inner part of the cochlear implant system (ART./NRT/NRI), as well as electrical impulse-evoked testing of the stirrup muscle reflex.

From a technical and organisational point of view, once all the necessary tests have been performed, it is necessary to connect to the target centre, for which components such as a computer with dedicated software, a system that supports applications and programmes, and an Internet connection are required [2].

The possibilities provided by modern technology do not preclude adequate preparation by physicians and specialists to perform the tests and to operate the software necessary for communication between centres. General knowledge alone, regarding the field of telemedicine, is also significant [2].

As can be seen, the use of telemedicine systems in audiology brings many benefits by reducing the time to reach a specialist, which entails lower costs, greater patient satisfaction with appointments, increased accessibility to specialised examinations and the chance of early detection of abnormalities, resulting in an improved quality of life for patients [2].