
The start of the road to good blood pressure

G-COMMUNICATIONS Consultans, press release

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The start of the road to good blood pressure


Blood pressure measurement

What can be done to reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure? The answer is very simple - change bad habits. The key to success is to realise that the state of our health largely depends on us. It is also important to follow a few rules that can not only prevent the onset of the disease, but also significantly reduce the pressure in a person who already has this condition.


In the past, it was the priest-doctors who were responsible for the treatment and who, by means of magic or expelling spirits from the sick person, eliminated the symptoms rather than the effects of the illness. Fortunately, much has changed in this area. Rapidly developing diagnostic and interventional medicine is making the effects of treatment more and more spectacular, and new communication technologies are giving patients themselves the opportunity to learn more about previously unknown areas. In this way, we ourselves can co-monitor our health and lead a conscious, healthy lifestyle. Why is this so important? Because with the right prevention, we can protect ourselves from developing a number of serious conditions, such as hypertension.

Let's change our lifestyle!

We are often unaware of how many simple, everyday activities can negatively affect our blood pressure. In March, the "Whole Poland Treats Hypertension" programme was launched to make us aware of what to change to avoid the disease and how to take care of our health.

The first element that is fundamental to improving health is diet. For overweight people, the priority is to get rid of excess weight, as they are twice as likely to develop hypertension. Attention should be paid not only to the calorie content of the foods consumed, but also to their nutritional content.

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We should reduce or eliminate the use of salt, and increase the amount of fruit and vegetables consumed to five portions per day. A good move would be to replace red meat with fish and poultry, and animal fats with vegetable fats such as olive oil. Declare war on addictions. Say no to cigarettes and keep alcohol consumption to a minimum.