
The way to successful weight loss

monika Bak-Sosnowska, PhD Department of Psychology SUM, Primodium Clinic in Katowice

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The way to successful weight loss


Weight loss

The author outlines the factors that promote weight loss and those that hinder it.


I lose weight with my head

Successful weight loss must be based on facts. Knowledge (e.g. what the metabolism is, what is the calorific value of different foods, what is the energy consumption during certain activities), self-awareness (e.g. what is the body's current energy requirement, how many calories have been eaten during the day, how the composition of body weight changes) and realistic assumptions (e.g. about the size of the planned weight reduction and how to achieve it) are the basic determinants of effective weight loss. Choosing the right way to reach the goal also plays an important part in effective action. There are many methods available on the market to aid weight loss: a variety of diets, specially designed exercise sets, drugs, parapharmaceuticals, cosmetics and even medical and cosmetic procedures. You probably have more confidence in some methods, less confidence in others, and some you would never decide on. Sometimes the choice of method is entirely at your discretion, sometimes there are specific indications - e.g. related to a medical condition. However, it is worth remembering that in order not only to lose weight, but also to maintain the results achieved, you need to change your lifestyle - the way you eat, spend your free time, take care of your body and psyche. It is therefore a good idea to use methods which can be applied for the rest of your life without major sacrifices and which support your health and well-being. Most obese people say that losing weight is not a problem. It is enough to "deny yourself", to "endure" and after only a few days, the first results are visible. However, the most difficult time starts later - maintaining the reduced body weight and persevering with the resolutions made. The more effort it takes to lose weight, the more it restricts and makes life more difficult, the greater the risk of the yoyo effect. This is why, when choosing a method, it is worth taking into account not only the short-term effect, but also the consequences over time. The right method must not only be effective, but also safe and improve quality of life.

I allow myself to benefit from the support of

When embarking on a major new endeavour, it is good to benefit from the support of other people. In the case of weight loss, this can be professionals: doctors, psychologists, dieticians, physiotherapists, fitness instructors, but also family members, friends and acquaintances.

All these people can provide support in the following ways:

  • by providing information (e.g. on topics related to taking care of your own body and psyche),
  • providing concrete assistance (e.g. in preparing meals, looking after children),
  • by providing support (e.g. praise, comfort, motivation to continue beneficial changes).

photo: shutterstock

It's worth taking care of your own support group, i.e. building yourself a strong team of people who, professionally and non-professionally, will support you as you lose weight and change your lifestyle. It is important that these people are kind and positive about the whole endeavour. Using other people's support does not reflect badly on a person. Some people avoid support by associating it with their own helplessness, ineptitude or low resoluteness. The opposite is true. Asking others for help is an expression of a rational attitude - an acknowledgement that everyone's capabilities are limited
In addition to helpful people, it is also a good idea to provide useful accessories for weight loss, such as: kitchen and bathroom scales, calorie charts, CDs with relaxing music, swimming pool passes, etc.

If you are interested in the topic, we encourage you to read the following text where we present some tips related to effective weight loss. The article is available HERE.