
Uterine myoma - often underestimated leads to serious consequences

Anna Piotrowska Source: D.Robak- Chołubek, G.Jakiel; Uterine myoma, Przegląd Menopauzalny,6,2006. Breakthrough in the treatment of uterine myomas, Medicus 6-7, June-July 201

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Uterine myoma - often underestimated leads to serious consequences


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Uterine myoma is one of the most common cancers of the female genital organs. However, it is benign in nature and is made up of smooth muscle and connective tissue. It develops in the body of the uterus.


Submucosal myomas have the greatest impact on fertility. It is in women with this lesion that studies have shown the lowest pregnancy rates. Miscarriages were most common in this group. Uterine myomas occur in 1-4 % of pregnancies. They can contribute to the miscarriages mentioned above, premature births, premature detachment of the placenta, fetal growth disorders.

Diagnosis and treatment

The basic diagnostic test is a visit to a gynaecologist. The doctor is able to determine the presence of myomas by means of a two-handed examination. A detailed diagnosis can be made by means of a Medical US examination. The choice of treatment methods should take into account the severity of the symptoms present, as well as: the patient's age, procreative plans, the presence of other diseases, the decision whether or not to remove the reproductive organ.

Pharmacological treatments include the following:

  • Hormone replacement therapy - steroid drugs are administered which inhibit ovulation, reduce oestrogen levels and at the same time reduce the size of the myomas. Unfortunately, such therapy will not remove the tumours themselves.

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Surgical treatment includes:

  • Myomectomy- surgical removal of the myoma, the uterus is partially preserved allowing the woman to maintain her fertility, recommended for young women.
  • Hysterectomy- surgical removal of the myoma along with the uterus.
  • Laparoscopic treatment- used for myomas less than 9 cm in diameter; Among modern treatments, attention should be given to.
  • Uterine artery embolisation- the aim of this procedure is to reduce the flow in the uterine arteries by means of a special closing fluid so that the myoma tissue necroses. This procedure is not reimbursed.
  • Cryomyolysis- using a specially inserted probe, the myoma is frozen.
  • Ultrasound treatment- using a beam of ultrasound to destroy the myoma.
  • Treatment with a selective progesterone receptor modulator- this is a new method of non-operative treatment, it lasts 3 months, a tablet drug containing the active substance ulipristal acetate is used. This method preserves ovarian activity. This treatment is not reimbursed.