
Vegetarian diet during pregnancy

Anna Malek

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Vegetarian diet during pregnancy


Pregnant woman

You hear a lot about a balanced diet during pregnancy. Women following a vegetarian diet ask themselves whether this way of eating will harm their baby. The American Dietetic Association assures that a properly planned vegetarian diet is also safe during pregnancy.


Risk group

A vegetarian diet, which allows the consumption of eggs and dairy products, does not carry too high a risk of individual nutrient deficiencies. At greater risk is a vegan diet, from which all animal products are eliminated. In this case, supplementation with pharmaceutical products may be necessary. Under no circumstances should you use these on your own, but above all remain under close medical supervision. Consultation with a dietician may also be helpful.

photo: panthermedia

A vegetarian diet during pregnancy poses no particular risk to the baby. The key element is to balance it. Regular checkups and close cooperation with the attending physician are necessary.