
What to change in a pregnant woman's diet according to trimester

Katarzyna Kurek

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What to change in a pregnant woman's diet according to trimester


Healthy diet

Dietary choices during pregnancy are extremely important, as not all foods and products consumed by pregnant women have a beneficial effect on the body.


In the second trimester of pregnancy, when nausea is slowly passing, the pregnant woman's menu should consist of 4-5 meals a day. It is worth increasing the intake of protein products and those containing iron and calcium during this period. Products rich in vitamin C should also continue to be included in the diet, as this vitamin increases the absorption of iron, thus preventing anaemia. A good solution for ensuring adequate amounts of this vitamin is to drink juice from, for example, oranges, grapefruit or blackcurrant. Seasonal fruits can be combined with milk and milk products, e.g. by adding them to yoghurt. In autumn and winter, it is a good idea to use frozen food.

In the third trimester, when symptoms such as heartburn, constipation and flatulence increase, it is a good idea to limit the intake of sour fruit, which was consumed in the first two trimesters. Products that are not recommended in this trimester are: oranges, grapefruit, lemons, leek, onions, vinegar and hot peppers. It is also worth eliminating wholemeal sourdough bread from your diet and replacing it with, for example, graham or mixed bread. Fried foods and highly processed products should be avoided. Milk and natural dairy products can relieve heartburn. Eat frequently but in small quantities. Do not eat before bedtime and it is recommended to sleep with your head higher than the rest of your body.

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Constipation can also be regulated with a diet containing fibre, which can be found in raw vegetables (carrots, lettuce), apples, buckwheat groats. Bran and oatmeal can be added to dairy products. Dried prunes, sultanas, pumpkin and sunflower seeds also have a good effect.

In the last months of pregnancy, when swelling can occur, it is advisable to follow a salt-free diet, as salt retains water in the body. Large amounts of salt are contained in: broth, cheese, meat and cold cuts, salted fish. Instead of salt, lemon juice and herbs can be added to food.