
Why do liver tests when taking hormonal contraception?

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Why do liver tests when taking hormonal contraception?


Liver treatment

Liver tests allow you to assess how your liver is working. When using contraception, it is particularly advisable to have check-ups every so often for AspAT, ALAT, Bilirubin and GGT levels. Why? Because some of the ingredients in the contraceptive pill can have a negative effect on the liver and it is worth keeping it under control at all times. A diseased liver is no joke. Sometimes, the basic results from liver tests and the Medical US image can help to diagnose various diseases of this organ.


Consultation with your doctor

If your liver parameters are elevated then it is worth talking to your gynaecologist about whether the pills you are taking could be affecting this vital organ. And if this is the case and the results are worrying then it may be worth stopping contraception for a while? Fortunately, the liver is able to regenerate and this can happen quite quickly. If your condition is not serious and your liver parameters are slightly elevated, it is high time to take care of a healthy diet as well.

An active lifestyle and a healthy, well-balanced diet have a beneficial effect on liver function. If you are using contraception, it is worth having your liver checked once in a while, even on your own. These tests are not expensive and can open your eyes to many important issues. Remember that the liver is one of the most important organs in your body.

Contraindications to the use of hormonal contraception with liver disease

Liver diseases that are a contraindication to hormonal contraception:

  • Dubin-Johnson syndrome,

  • Rotor syndrome,

  • Cringler-Najjar syndrome,

  • steatosis of the liver,

  • liver tumours,

  • jaundice.

photo: panthermedia

At the time of determining the start of hormonal contraception, it is a good idea to present your gynaecologist with up-to-date liver test results. You may find right at the start that your liver results are unbalanced and the use of contraception could only make things worse.

Unfortunately, a damaged liver does not give clear signals. For many of its diseases, the first symptoms may be notorious fatigue, appetite problems, weight gain or weight loss. After all, these are just some of the many symptoms that accompany a range of diseases. It is therefore difficult to determine whether you are feeling tired from lack of sleep, overwork or precisely because your liver is not working properly.

If you are taking the contraceptive pill, make sure you have regular check-ups. If you are overweight, you should not only have your liver checked, but your blood sugar levels and thyroid hormones should also be checked regularly. Not every hormonal contraceptive has a revolutionary effect on your liver, but do not forget that the contraceptive pill is not indifferent to your liver. Consult your gynaecologist if you have any doubts.