Permanent cardiac pacing is a therapeutic method that has been used in medicine for more than 40 years. It consists of placing electrodes in the patient's heart to regulate the heart in a permanent...
In the treatment of congestive heart failure, a major breakthrough was brought about by diuretics acting in the loop of Henle, which were derived in the 1960s.
Patients with heart failure often do not undertake any physical activity, which they argue is due to lack of strength, fear of exertion. Most of them do not know how important sport is. Exercise is...
Heart failure is a condition in which the heart muscle is not efficient enough to ensure proper oxidation and blood flow in the body. Diet is an integral link in reducing symptoms and progression in...
Chronic heart failure is a situation where there is a reduction in the heart's minute volume. As a result, less oxygen and nutrients are delivered to all tissues in our body, which can lead to blood...
Heart failure is a condition in which the heart is unable to deliver sufficient blood and oxygen to the organs, resulting in reduced exercise capacity. The incidence increases with age and rises...
Heartfailure is not just a disease entity but a clinical syndrome often leading to permanent disability and death.
Treatment of the underlying heart disease, as early as possible, is a very important part of the patient's life. You should remain under the constant care of a specialist and strictly follow your...