The cold season is in full swing, so it is worth taking care of immunity not only in yourself, but especially in children, who are particularly vulnerable to viruses and infections. The immune system...
Oral candidiasis in children and infants is a condition that many toddlers face. Are yeast infections dangerous? How can they be treated?
Life-threatening sepsis can affect anyone, but seniors and young children are at greatest risk. Because of the danger involved, various researchers have undertaken studies that could identify sepsis...
Jagellosis is an extremely serious infectious disease that is diagnosed primarily in people living or residing in Africa or Asia. What are the symptoms of juglone? Is it easy to contract?
Malaria continues to threaten millions of people around the world. The disease is particularly dangerous for pregnant women and children. Around 400,000 people died from the disease last year alone....
Allergy to disposable nappies affects many children. How can you help your child? Which remedies should be used?
Chickenpox is among the most common infectious diseases in children. In fact, the only treatment that is implemented in sufferers is symptomatic treatment, aimed at reducing the intensity of the...
Meningococcal infection is an extremely life-threatening infection, the complication of which - meningococcal sepsis - can lead to death.
The rise in measles cases made headlines last year. Unfortunately, the WHO figures do not inspire enthusiasm.
During birth, the skin is covered with a whitish chalky foetal smear. In the first few days of the baby's life, its colour becomes increasingly pink and all sorts of changes and eruptions can be seen...
Most febrile illnesses in children are viral infections, which do not require treatment. Mild infections, such as otitis media or pharyngitis, are diagnosed on the basis of a careful history and...
The Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction is an extremely rare complication that occurs after antibiotic treatment. What causes it? Is it dangerous?
Symptomatic urinary tract infections (UTIs) occur in 3-7% of girls and 1-2% of boys under 6 years of age. In 12-30% of these, recurrence of the infection is observed before 1 year. UTIs may present...
Progeria - a genetic disease that affects just over a hundred people worldwide. What causes it? What is the prognosis for patients?
Lice and nits are the bane of many a parent. Lice and nits are easy to infect - large groups of children at school, nursery or kindergarten carry the risk of rapid transmission. How do you deal with...
Obesity is a serious health problem in any age group, but there is particular attention being paid to what the effects of excessive body weight in children and adolescents may be. While it is well...
Charge syndrome is categorised as a rare genetic disease that is caused by a mutation in the CDH7 gene. In Europe, an estimated one in a hundred thousand healthy babies is born with Charge syndrome.
Measles is a viral disease characterised by high fever, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system and the conjunctiva, due to the virus inducing the disease process. In the next...
Ensuring proper electrolyte balance plays a huge role in our daily lives. Many of us forget about proper hydration and, in states of deficiency, electrolyte supplementation. What are the consequences...
Retinopathy is a disease of the so-called immature retina. It occurs in children born prematurely, in whom the normal structure of the retina has not developed. Adequate ophthalmic and paediatric...
Influenza is a seasonal infectious disease, the complications of which can significantly affect the deterioration of our body's health and can be far-reaching in time. The difficulty in treatment...
We already know a lot about diabetes - for example, it is known that type 1 diabetes is mainly associated with insulin deficiency and type 2 diabetes is mainly associated with insulin resistance....