
Should a red rash, spots on the breasts be cause for concern?

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Should a red rash, spots on the breasts be cause for concern?



Typically, any changes that occur within a woman's breasts raise concern in patients - fears usually of the possibility that unusual symptoms could be a manifestation of breast cancer. However, just as lumps in the breasts are typically associated with potential cancer, a reddish rash or lumps on the surface of the breasts are not necessarily, and they too can be a sign of cancer. So when should a problem of this kind be of concern and what other - apart from cancer - causes of reddish breast changes could there be?


Most often, a reddish rash on the breasts is caused by harmless problems, but sometimes the problem is caused by cancer. Its cause may be, among other things, inflammatory breast cancer. In this case, it is quite characteristic that no lumps usually appear in the breasts of patients. What should be of concern, however, are definitely other types of complaints, such as:

  • significant reddening and increased warming of the breast skin,
  • swelling and pain in the breasts,
  • itching and thickening of the skin in the breast area,
  • enlargement of the breasts.

The appearance of the above-mentioned symptoms in a patient - especially if they develop suddenly and rapidly - definitely requires going to the doctor. In fact, however, the red rash on the breasts, as mentioned at the outset, is rarely caused by cancer - far more often it is caused by a completely different type of problem, where as examples can be mentioned here:

  • breast inflammation,
  • breast abscess,
  • urticaria,
  • fungal infections,
  • scabies,
  • seborrhoeic dermatitis,
  • psoriasis.

There are many more problems that can cause a red rash on the breasts. Some of them are completely harmless and pass away, others - such as breast cancer - definitely require the implementation of treatment as soon as possible. For this reason, if you have any doubts as to what the cause of such changes on the breasts is, or if you have any other complaints besides reddish lumps on the breasts, you should simply go to see your doctor.