
What to do with your child during the holidays?

Patrycja Piechaczek

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What to do with your child during the holidays?


Reading books

During the holidays, many working parents are faced with a problem: what to do with their child during the holidays when school is out? How to organise their free time? Here are some ideas.


Most people try to get a holiday during the summer so that they can go on holiday with their family. Unfortunately, employers are reluctant to give holidays of more than two weeks. Parents can split their holiday and take turns looking after their offspring.

Alternatively, there may be half-schools or on-call nurseries or schools. Another solution is to leave the children in the care of trusted relatives or friends. This is where retired grandparents work very well. When this is not possible, a nanny can be hired, which, however, involves higher costs.

It is a good idea to organise your children's free time beforehand, so that you do not end up with children staying home alone.