Dizziness is a very common ailment. It is not an illness in itself, but only a symptom of an illness. It is a feeling as if the environment around you is spinning and moving. Diagnosing the causes of...
Many women and men are plagued by headaches. There are many ways to deal with it, but in today's busy times we reach for the simplest one.
Spinal pain syndromes are most often caused by a sedentary lifestyle. Soft chairs and lack of physical activity lead to damage to the spine's stabilising apparatus, abolition of physiological curves,...
Headaches are a common symptom in the paediatric population and are often the cause of school absenteeism. This study is intended for parents of children who report headaches, and is designed to help...
Dizziness is a symptom of a malfunction of any of the components of the balance system, which transmits signals from different areas of the body to the corresponding centres located in the brain.
Over the course of a lifetime, approximately two-thirds of the population experience cervical spine pain. It is the second most common osteoarticular symptom recorded in GP practices, after lumbar...
Headache is the most common human ailment. It can accompany or mask many medical conditions, including neurosis, depression and others.
Pain in one or both breasts associated or not with the menstrual cycle.
Lower abdominal pain occurring in the early postpartum period.
Foot pain that makes it difficult to move freely, occurring most often in the last weeks of pregnancy.
Pain in the pubic conjunctiva caused by its separation, rupture or tearing during pregnancy or childbirth.
Acute pain, swelling combined with the presence of a lump in the lower vaginal area, resulting from inflammation of the greater vestibular gland (Bartholin's gland).
Pain on passing stool is the subjective sensation of discomfort on defecation. Older children report it themselves, in younger children the most common symptom is crying when passing stool or fear of...
Pain occurring in the perineum or small pelvis during sexual intercourse.