Migraine headaches suffer from 4-20% of the population, in Poland alone about 10% of people are affected. The disease affects women 3 times more often. The first symptoms may appear already in...
Spina bifida belongs to the group of developmental disorders of the central nervous system. They are caused by a delayed closure of the neural tube in the medullary region or an abnormal course of...
Primary exertional headache occurs during or after physical activity. It is most commonly triggered by: weight lifting, swimming, running, rowing, playing tennis (sometimes only one specific type...
A mid-sleep headache, also known as an alarm clock headache, usually manifests itself after the age of 50. The average age of onset is 63 years. It affects women twice as often as men.
Tension-type headache (TTH, or tension-type headache) is very common. It is estimated to occur in 30-78% of people during their lifetime. It is slightly more common in women. It first appears after...
Carpal tunnel syndrome (syndroma canaris carpitalis) is one of the most common causes of hand pain. More than 90 % is caused by non-specific inflammation of the finger flexor tendons.
Painful shoulder syndrome occurs with similar frequency in both men and women. In terms of prevalence of musculoskeletal pain, it is third most common after sacroiliac pain and knee pain. It is...
Multiple sclerosis (sclerosis multiplex S) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the nervous system with primary damage to the myelin sheath in the central nervous system. The most common form is...
Migraine is a common condition characterised by attacks of headache, lasting between 4 and 72 hours. it affects women 3 times more often. The first attacks occur in adolescence or as early as...
A headache is a common complaint with which both children and adults visit the doctor. Also infants can suffer from headaches - the diagnosis in this case is presumptive.
A detailed and correct diagnosis plays a key role in the case of headaches. It requires taking a patient history, a thorough neurological examination as well as ophthalmology, ENT, psychiatry and...
A headache is one of the most common human ailments. Nowadays, it is known that it can be caused by very different reasons, so it should never be underestimated. We distinguish between a secondary...
It is well known that it is not only adults and older people who suffer from headaches. Children and adolescents are also affected. A key role is played by observing the child's behaviour (in the...
A cluster headache (cluster headache) is classified as a self-limiting, seizure headache of very high intensity.
Drug-induced headaches, or 'rebound' headaches, are a fairly significant problem in neurological practice.
Back in the old days, it was claimed that ordinary people only suffered from headaches, while the aristocracy was affected by migraine. However, they did not know how to distinguish between the two....
In Poland, as many as 27% of adults complain of various forms of pain. Most often we suffer from migraines, pain in the neck, shoulders, back and joints.
A cluster headache is defined as a primary headache, self-limited, chronic, which is usually characterised by a unilateral location. In most cases, the pain attack is located in the frontal or...
Spina bifida (meningomyelia, meningomyelocele) occurs during the fetal period and is classified as a malformation of the spine. It is a disorder that arises during puberty and the proper formation of...
Today's lifestyle, lack of physical activity and sitting in front of the computer and television promote spinal defects from an early age.