Kudzu is a plant that grows wild in Asia (including China, Japan) and the subtropical and tropical regions of America. It was brought to the United States by Japanese horticulturalists in the 19th...
Much has already been said about the effects of cannabis use - both as a psychoactive agent and in medicine. However, as more and more people continue to use the drug, various studies are still being...
Young people are stopping smoking traditional cigarettes and are choosing e-cigarettes instead. The problem is that their total impact on human health is unknown.
For a long time, the link between mental disorders and addictions has been of interest to researchers, who have, incidentally, confirmed that existing mental health problems significantly increase...
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has recognised video game addiction, and gambling addiction as a form of mental disorder. As a result, these two forms of addiction are set to make their way onto...
The mobile phone has now become an indispensable human attribute - it is used by kindergarten children as well as seniors. "Gadget" has undoubtedly influenced the facilitation of communication, but...
Back in the 1980s and 1990s, Poles were still among the world leaders in the number of cigarettes smoked, which was reflected in the dramatic figures for morbidity and mortality due to one of the...
Medications used to treat patients with ADHD are thought to primarily affect the hyperactivity and attention deficits they experience, but the preparations may also have other beneficial effects....
I have been interested in the problem of codependency for many years. As part of my cooperation with the Alcohol and Co-Addiction Treatment Centre in Jaworzno, I conduct individual and group therapy...
Can you imagine not consuming a large glass of your favourite fizzy drink with your meal? How can you not eat a good grilled sausage without sipping it with your favourite drink? Do fizzy, sweetened...
Upon hearing the word 'addiction', many associations immediately pop up in people's heads. Drugs, alcohol, cigarettes - these are probably the ones most often associated with addictions....
Mental illnesses affect a significant proportion of the population. Some studies show that up to one in two people may experience various mental disorders during their lifetime. This term includes...
Smoking can nabis has a very harmful effect not only on our physical health, but also on our mental health. Recent studies show that it can lead to dangerous psychoses that are dangerous to the...
Dependenceon another person, or co-dependence, is a problem we encounter very often. A person who is addicted, whether to a boss, parent, grandparent, partner or colleague tries to please them at all...
In our culture, alcohol accompanies us on almost every occasion. We drink to celebrate success and to sweeten the taste of failure. Alcohol is present at all major celebrations, whatever they may be...
Endorphins, are categorised as peptide hormones. They have a huge impact on our wellbeing hence they are known as happy hormones.
Scientific studies show that the stimulants used by men can lead to serious erection problems. This is especially true for people who smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol or take drugs.
Nothing haunts us like the things we haven't bought. Shopping is an activity we cannot imagine functioning without - it is a natural part of our day. Successful shopping is often a source of joy and...
We increasingly hear and read about addiction to money. This can include spending it and putting it away. The sufferer feels a compulsion to spend all the money, for example on clothes, perfume,...
Until recently, legal highs were a mysterious word to most people. We didn't really know what they were or how they worked. We did not identify them as something dangerous and life-threatening. Until...