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Symptoms and courseAgeing is an irreversible process and is associated with a decrease in the body's ability to respond to so-called environmental stresses. It affects every organism and occurs naturally over time.
Ageing - Symptoms and course
Damage occurs to cells that cannot be repaired in any way. Importantly, the balance between the various processes inside the body is disrupted, leading to increased susceptibility or disease. Cells, whole tissues, organs and systems of the human body are damaged. We are unable to stop the ageing process.
Why do we age?
Ageing is a process that progresses slowly, but over a lifetime. It involves the whole organism. Initially, the symptoms of ageing are not noticeable and, importantly, inconvenient. Over time, however, we experience problems ranging from immunity problems (frequent infections that are very difficult to treat), bone and joint pains, brittle nails, hair loss and greying. We notice that repair processes become weaker and much slower.
With the development of ageing comes, among other things: deterioration of eyesight, decrease in skin elasticity, decrease in bone mass, change in hair structure, decrease in body water content, deterioration of hearing, increase in body weight, decrease in intestinal peristalsis, decrease in immunity and others.
The ageing process is considered an irreversible, life-long process. Ageing is influenced not only by biological but also environmental factors.