More and more patients are suffering from sudden panic attacks. There are many reasons for this. Recent studies dealing with this issue show that people who suffer from panic attacks lead to...
Eating and sleeping disorders are serious conditions, as anyone who has had to deal with a similar problem even for a period of time knows. When they occur together, however, it is already a serious...
A panic attack is a very negative experience in which the patient feels extreme terror and fear for their life.
Stress is seen by most people as a negative emotion that prevents us from functioning smoothly in everyday life, leading to health problems (cardiovascular, nervous or digestive problems). Everyone...
Each of us meets all sorts of people at work, school, on the street, in the bank. Some of them are favourably disposed towards us and we have a very good contact with them, others, as it turns out...
Many parents think that beating their children will teach them obedience. This is a very mistaken view. But why do parents hit their children?
Many parents experience their children feeling anxious about something. In many cases they don't understand why their child feels this and why it has happened. It is important to remember that...
In the simplest terms, an obsessive-compulsive disorder(OCD) is nothing more than a person's addiction to doing a certain activity, having a thought or imagination.
Psychosomatics, deals with various types of bodily (somatic) complaints that have or may have a basis in the human psyche. Information on the role of psychological disorders in somatic problems has...
Trichophagia (hair eating), is a condition that involves chewing and eating whole hairs or hair follicles and biting them with swallowing. It is a condition that affects a large group of patients...
To talk about anxiety disorders it is necessary to define what anxiety is. It is a negative feeling, an emotion that prevents us from enjoying life. In most cases, it affects us in a very destructive...
Acrophobia, or fear of heights, is a condition that prevents people from being at high and very high heights (balcony, in the mountains, flying in an aeroplane, exercising on ladders and even sitting...
Nail biting is known in medicine under the term onychophagia, which is defined as compulsive repetition of certain activities. It is classified as an obsessive-compulsive disorder (obsessions).
Hypochondriacal neurosis is defined as a condition in which the patient is convinced that he or she is in a bad or even very bad state of health, focusing on his or her body, how it works and any...
Anxiety attacks can occur in both psychiatric and somatic disorders. During an attack, a so-called anxiety spiral develops.
Stress is defined as all reactions of the body caused by negative environmental stimuli, mainly external.
Neurosis is a disease manifested by a disruption of normal human functioning, in terms of the psyche, emotionality and physiological functions of the body.
Hypochondriasis is a neurotic disorder the essence of which is preoccupation with the possibility of serious illness. It is characterised by constant fear and anxiety about life and health, and often...
Trichotillomania is an addiction to pulling out hair and is classified as a psychiatric disorder. It is associated with a compulsion to play with, pull, wrap around the finger, twist, curl and pluck...
Cognitive-behavioural therapy is now a very popular treatment for mental disorders, e.g. depression, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social anxiety, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress...