Specific phobias can actually apply to anything. Few people are probably aware of it, but it is possible to have a fear of... food and drink - this is known as phagophobia. This problem is very rare,...
Anxiety disorders are typically associated with constant worry, an unjustified sense of constant fear or apprehension of specific phenomena. It is known that anxiety can lead to somatic symptoms -...
Obsessive-compulsive disorder, is categorised as an obsessive-compulsive disorder. This problem affects both men and women. It can appear at different ages and is increasingly common in children and...
Will the mirror tell you the truth? Not always - it may seem surprising, but in the case of mental disorders, the patient may perceive reality in a significantly altered way. This is the case, for...
We often forget that anxiety is an emotion. Yes, an emotion. The same as sadness, joy, anger or surprise. And emotions are necessary for us. In fact, we need them! We use emotions to express our...
Spastic colon, or gastric neurosis, affects several million people worldwide. The symptoms of this condition are very unpleasant for patients but most people do not know what causes this reaction....
What is sexual abuse in general and does there have to be intercourse and penetration to talk about abuse? Which peri-sexual behaviours are typical for children of a certain age and how to...
The foundations of today's knowledge of anxiety are due to the psychoanalytical research of Sigmund Freud. Each psychological theory explains the emergence of anxiety in different ways, but all agree...
When scientists undertook research on anger, they were aware that it is an emotion that is extremely difficult to assess rationally and objectively. However, they have identified elements that are...
Introverts and extroverts differ in their stimulus tolerance threshold, according to the theory proposed by Eysneck. What this means for introverts is that they are more sensitive to stimuli and...
The essence of human life is contact with stimuli of various kinds. These include relationships with other people, weather conditions, stressful situations, joyful situations, unpleasant situations....
Bedwetting in children is most often psychological, but comprehensive therapy can help to get rid of the problem once and for all, or at least significantly alleviate the symptoms.
Increasingly we are encountering the term bullying, which can be translated as 'bullying', but this particular modality and phenomenon applies specifically to school-aged children.
Children who have a dog friend at home are less likely to suffer from anxiety disorders than their peers who grow up without these pets.
Scientists increasingly understand the links between the heart and reason - in the literal sense.
Many parents do not pay attention when their children start biting other children. They claim that this behaviour is perfectly natural and will go away on its own. But what if it doesn't?
When faced with a stressful or unfamiliar situation, we usually say that we feel anxiety or fear. However, we should remember that these are two different emotional states. What should we know about...
Many parents worry when their children have night terrors and wonder what the immediate cause is. However, in most cases they assume that they will go away on their own after a while (as our child...
Oxidative, or oxygen, stress has a very detrimental effect on our health, beauty and well-being. What do we know about free radicals and their effects on our bodies?
Nail biting (onychophagia) is mostly automatic. The patient is unable to control his or her behaviour, and even if an attempt is made, it fails.