
Everything we know today about periodontitis - definition, causes, symptoms, treatment

Everything we know today about periodontitis - definition, causes, symptoms, treatment


Pain after tooth extraction

Parodontitis, is classified as a periodontal disorder (tissues responsible for the proper, firm attachment of teeth). It is a disease that often occurs in people around the age of 40. Initially, the disease does not produce any symptoms or the symptoms are so weak that the patient does not go to the dentist for a check-up.


The initial symptoms are accompanied by a mild infection caused by bacteria, which, from the patient's point of view, does not need to be consulted by the dentist. Sometimes they do not feel any symptoms at all. Later on, symptoms appear that indicate inflammation of the gums, but these too may disappear for a while and then reappear, but with renewed vigour. These should not be regarded as mere hypersensitivity and the dentist should be contacted as soon as possible.

Treatment and prevention of parodontosis

Treatment of parodontosis requires visits to the dental surgery. Depending on what condition the teeth are in, the dentist undertakes further treatment. The dentist has to remove bacterial plaque, protect the teeth from new build-up of plaque and protect the teeth and eliminate traumatic factors. In some cases, surgery and the inclusion of antibiotic therapy are necessary. Of course, the patient at home should follow the doctor's instructions:

  • take medication,
  • attend scheduled appointments,
  • maintain daily oral hygiene (brushing, flossing),
  • eat foods high in vitamins (fruit, vegetables, meat, carbohydrates, proteins),
  • use an appropriate toothpaste.

If left untreated, the first symptoms of parodontosis may lead to tooth loss. Therefore, let us remember about regular check-ups at the dentist's and proper, thorough care of oral hygiene.