
Hormonal contraception and cancer

Izabele Kletke

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Hormonal contraception and cancer


Drug use

The use of hormonal contraception such as the contraceptive pill increases the risk of developing certain types of cancer while reducing the likelihood of developing other types of cancer.


A study of women infected with H. pyloriV found that those who had used hormonal contraception for five to nine years showed a threefold higher incidence of cervical cancer compared to women who had never taken hormonal pills. In the group using hormones for more than 10 years, the risk increases fourfold. Negative effects of hormonal contraception have even been reported for organs not related to sex, namely the liver, where the likelihood of benign tumours increases. The effect on the development of malignant liver tumours, on the other hand, has not been clearly established to date. However, hormonal contraception also has its positive sides.

This applies, for example, to ovarian cancer, which is probably linked to the number of ovulations a woman undergoes during her lifetime. It therefore seems reasonable to conclude that the risk of cancer of these organs is reduced as a result of the contraceptive pill. Indeed, studies have shown that the likelihood of ovarian cancer after only one year of use of the contraceptive pill is lower by 10-12%, and after five years of use - by as much as 50%.

The endometrium also benefits from hormonal contraception. The correlation between the two, as with the ovaries, is stronger the longer the hormones are taken and, importantly, persists long after the pill is discontinued.


As you can see, hormonal contraception has its advantages and disadvantages, so it is difficult to be clear about the pros and cons. Certainly, the above dilemmas should draw women's attention to the importance of prevention for health, i.e. regular check-ups with specialists. Above all, it is important to remember that only early detection of cancer offers the chance of winning life.