
Lifestyle and cancer risk

Izabela Kletke

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Lifestyle and cancer risk


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Cancer has become an almost universal disease. It would seem that it is impossible to protect against it. However, it turns out that a review of the lifestyle we lead can prove to be salutary for our health.


Endocrine disruption is not infrequently caused by internal factors over which the individual has no control. However, there are cases, such as hormonal contraception or hormone replacement therapy, in which additional doses of hormones are taken in from outside. In these cases too, the substances introduced into the body are not without health effects, causing a significant increase in the risk of developing certain types of cancer.

It is a well-known truth that frequent and prolonged exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays is harmful to health. Nevertheless, approximately 86% of skin cancer cases (melanoma and non-melanoma) are a direct result of overuse of sun or tanning beds.

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Finally, the last of the most frequently mentioned elements that increase the risk of cancer is the type of work performed, taking into account harmful carcinogens, i.e. carcinogens in the work environment. These may include substances such as arsenic or asbestos, for example.

Cancer is an insidious disease and in many cases it is difficult to determine the exact genesis of its origin. Nevertheless, it is worth investing some time and effort in ensuring that the lifestyle we lead is our ally and not our enemy in the fight for health and life.