
PC doctor and immunisation

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PC doctor and immunisation


Vaccinating your child

The topic of vaccination is a crucial one for parents who are faced with the decision to give their child a vaccine. Many doubts and concerns are related to whether the vaccination will be effective and whether it will have side effects, which are widely reported in the media and spread by anti-vaccine movements. The role of the PC doctor is therefore crucial here, in order to provide parents with the most important and relevant information, and to dispel any doubts about making such a decision.


PC doctor

The PC doctor plays a very important role in educating and preparing parents for the vaccination decision. It is the doctor who is the authority for the parent, as well as being a reliable source of information for the parent regarding vaccination. Due to the specifications of the PC clinic, leaflets are a very good way of disseminating information, but it should not be forgotten that talking to parents is crucial. This is because most of them expect the doctor to give them full and accurate information on what awaits their child after vaccination, what they can expect, what are the risks and what are the benefits of giving their child the vaccine. It is up to the doctor to provide all the information - both the positive effects and benefits of vaccination, but also the complications and side effects. This is because this type of information is very important for the parent if a symptom of a complication occurs - so that they know how to react, how to proceed and what to do [4].

Closing the dialogue with parents is the worst option a doctor can choose. This is because the parent should understand the mechanism of action of the vaccination and be able to ask questions to clear up any doubts. The doctor should refrain from commenting on the opinion parents have on vaccination - it is important to fully answer the parents' questions, taking into account their level of knowledge on the subject [4].

The doctor's attitude itself is also significant and of great importance. The vast majority of doctors in Poland are in favour of vaccination, but there is a percentage who are against it. In addition, the doctor's ignorance itself is something that can discourage parents from deciding to give their child a vaccination [4].