
Prescription for a healthy baby belly

Good Food, press release, photos: ojoimages

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According to a study by the University Clinical Centre in Gdansk, 20% of children in Poland have problems with obesity. The number of diabetes cases among pre-school and primary school children has also increased over the last few years. All these ailments are caused by poor nutrition and digestive problems in the youngest.


Such methods will only lead to a situation in which our preschooler will completely lose the desire to eat and will be afraid of subsequent meals. If the toddler has no appetite, do not force him, because pointless overfeeding will result in the development of bad eating habits in the future and, consequently, in appetite disorders, obesity and diabetes. Let us remember that food should be a pleasure for both parents and children, and that celebrating meals together helps to ensure not only a healthy tummy, but above all family bonds.

Colourful is healthy

The last aspect we cannot forget is the appearance of the food. Little aesthetes will certainly appreciate attractive, colourful and decorated meals more. We can go shopping with our child and let them choose crockery just for themselves, such as a plate with their favourite cartoon character and a cup with their own name on it.

In this way, the toddler will also eat with his or her "eyes" and we will be able to smuggle in wholesome elements of the diet, which do not normally hit children's taste buds. If you want to convince your preschooler to explore new tastes, organise a cooking game. Use simple recipes for salads, sandwiches and biscuits, and ask your child to help you with simple tasks. He or she will enjoy the meals better and will be able to show off in kindergarten that he or she cooked together with mum.