For several years now, intensive research has been conducted in aesthetic medicine on the use of transplants of own cells to 'rejuvenate' the skin. During this year's International Congress of Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine, which took place in September this year in Warsaw, considerable attention was devoted to this topic. Why does this method seem so interesting to us doctors...?
Therefore, intensive work is currently underway to use a procedure similar to that described for fibroblasts to obtain stem cells for aesthetic procedures. Stem cell transplants produce significantly stronger and longer-lasting results compared to fibroblasts. Furthermore, it has been shown that these cells can be injected not only into the skin. Intravenous administration of skin stem cells can have a positive effect on many other organs. Although, as of today, data on the results of the use of stem cells in aesthetic medicine are still incomplete, this is undoubtedly currently the most interesting direction for the development of this field of knowledge.
An aspect worth discussing is the laboratories that perform this type of procedure. In theory, any cell culture laboratory can grow fibroblasts or skin stem cells.
However, this type of activity requires a stricter regime in several aspects:
- microbiological (the material must not be contaminated!)
- logistical (the material must not be mixed up, as this can have serious consequences in terms of rejection, and the company must ensure rapid transportation of samples)
- the professional preparation of those carrying out the procedures described (cell culture for transplantation
- transplantation requires special, characteristic conditions)
- security of the frozen material (the laboratory must be equipped with systems to maintain very low temperatures, also, for example, in the event of electrical failure, etc.)
- an adequate training system for the doctors performing the biopsies themselves and then the transplantation
Therefore, when choosing this type of service, one should be guided either by the reputation of the company performing these procedures or by the prestige of the people involved. How do you choose the right company? We will soon be able to help you with this. We are currently establishing a Programme for the Certification of Aesthetic Medicine Practitioners at the Aesthetic Medicine Section of the PTL, aimed at graduates of the PTL Postgraduate School of Aesthetic Medicine. One of our activities will be the verification of new medical technologies and procedures.
Paweł Surowiak, MD, DermaMed Institute of Aesthetic Medicine, Wrocław;, Medical University of Wrocław