
Renal tumours

Klaudia Tomala

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Renal tumours



Kidney cancers account for approximately 3% of cancers affecting adults and are the third most common urological cancer.


Triad of symptoms:

  • haematuria;
  • tumour palpable through the abdominal integuments;
  • pain in the lumbar or lower abdominal region.

The whole triad is present in less than 10% of patients

Additional symptoms:

  • pressure pains in the epigastrium;
  • swelling of the lower limbs;
  • weight loss;
  • elevated temperature, night sweats.

Metastases and their symptoms:

  • to the lungs: coughing, spitting blood, breathlessness;
  • to bones: bone pain, hypercalcaemia, frequent fractures;
  • to lymph nodes: enlargement of nodes;
  • to CNS: neurological symptoms;
  • to the liver: pain under the right rib arch.

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The slightest suspicion of kidney cancer is an indication for ultrasound.

In most cases (70-80%), kidney cancer is detected at an early stage. Early detection of kidney cancer enables complete cure.

Five-year survival in stage I is 90%, in stage II- 75-90% and in stage III- 60-70%. On the other hand, diagnosis of cancer at stage IV gives a very poor prognosis, and the patient's life expectancy does not exceed several months.