
Senior (alone) in the city

Yasna Communications Sp. z o.o.

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Senior (alone) in the city


Mature woman

While we are packing for our holidays, parents and grandparents are getting ready to spend the summer in the city. Even with an ailing heart, they can actively enjoy the delights of their town.


Problem under control

When loved ones are away, people suffering from cardiovascular ailments are more likely to be concerned about their wellbeing. All the more so when the sun doesn't offer a moment's respite. In such weather, it is important to bear in mind that any activity must be consulted with a doctor and be linked to subsequent regular preventive care. Those closest to the parents should therefore ensure maximum safety when going on holiday.

Nowadays, seniors have moved with the times, are more willing to navigate the nooks and crannies of the Internet and have a mobile phone. This is all the more true since telephone operators have responded to the needs of the older consumer and introduced handsets specially adapted to this age group - with a large display and simplified to a minimum. As a result, telemedicine, a service that is simple and also very effective, could become an interesting solution for senior citizens. This kind of healthcare system has been working well in Western countries for years, with thousands of patients being treated at home under medical supervision.

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The constant monitoring of a patient's condition can realistically reduce the risk of loss of health and also of life. The cardiac telemonitoring service works with any telephone, whether it is a landline or a mobile phone, and can also belong to a neighbour or a friend. In the event of any heart problems, the senior citizen contacts the doctor on duty, who immediately provides expert advice.

In the event of a life-threatening emergency, an ambulance is called to the home address provided at registration. The device is small and unobtrusive, easy to use and safe. - Regular health checks for cardiovascular ailments are the duty of every patient ," says TELE ECG POLSKA doctor Bogusław Bosak. "Myocardial infarction, which affects around 400 people every day, is the result of neglected prevention and diagnosis.

Systematic heart monitoring, thanks to the telemonitoring service, does not require much commitment - making appointments and spending long hours in queues. All you need is a small device to sleep soundly and enjoy your day without having to give up any pleasures.