
Tell me how you live and I will tell you who you are

Anna Pyka

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Tell me how you live and I will tell you who you are



A good starting point is to have a vision, an idea of what our home environment should look like. I don't like haphazard interiors. The kind where everything is bland, out of context. The rooms we inhabit should reflect our character and our tastes. Then we can be sure that we will feel at home and comfortable.


It happens that not everyone has a home to return to. Even though this happens, we don't usually think about it. We often treat our place of residence as something natural or inherent. It turns out that acquiring, furnishing and maintaining a flat (or other four walls) is hard work. Having somewhere to live makes us feel secure. In addition, we have the security of knowing that we belong somewhere. The most important thing is to take proper care of this place.

We are spending more and more time away from home. Paradoxically, this is why we pay more and more attention to it. Because we spend so little time there, we want it to be a special place. Above all, we want to relax and unwind at home. This is exactly what we want to achieve by adapting the rooms optimally to ourselves. Favourite colours or comfortable furnishings help us to recover more quickly.

I think the place we live in deserves our time and attention. If we want to feel free in our own homes, let's remember that it's entirely up to us.