
Why go to the swimming pool?

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Why go to the swimming pool?


Swimming pool

Warm, sunny weather encourages outdoor activities, but autumn is fast approaching.


Colder, shorter days are inevitable. What can you do to stay in shape after the summer?

If it's cold outside and you need a boost of energy, head for the swimming pool. Everyone is born knowing how to swim - that's why young children thrive in water.

However, if you don't get the swimming reflex as a child, as an adult you have to learn it all over again. For some it will be easier, others will spend more time learning.

One thing is certain - anyone can swim - regardless of age or ability. Even if someone can't swim, they can relax in shallower water - this also applies to people who are ill and have limited mobility for some reason.

How do you get started?

If you don't know how to swim - find a good instructor who will teach you to swim professionally step by step. Most instructors are lifeguards who work at the swimming pool. Whatever your age - don't be shy!

A lot of people learn to swim in the pool or spend time relaxing. A friend can get you started in the pool - as long as they can swim and know how to do it.

Photo: ojoimages

You can learn to swim at any age - you just have to want to and be consistent in your goal.

The benefits of swimming

As you know, swimming is all about the benefits. All muscles are worked. People with back problems are advised to swim the backstroke - it is also one of the easier styles.