
Why go to the swimming pool?

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Why go to the swimming pool?


Swimming pool

Warm, sunny weather encourages outdoor activities, but autumn is fast approaching.


A lot of people swim the so-called leisure frog - without submerging the head. Care should be taken not to overload the cervical vertebrae. The classic frog is not an easy style - it requires the ability to make precise movements with the breath.

However, any type of movement in the water has great benefits, among them:

- the breathing effort strengthens the chest muscles - the vital capacity of the lungs increases

- thanks to the buoyancy of the water, the weight of the body is reduced - we can carry out movements in the water in a relaxed manner

- improves blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels - consequently improves heart function

- the stimuli acting on a swimmer are of a different nature and dimension compared to those acting on land - as a consequence, the central nerve centres must function differently - as a result, we feel rested and relaxed after swimming

Photo ojoimages

- swimming immunizes the body, prevents disease

- has a great impact on the prevention of faulty posture in children and young people - it stretches contracted muscles, relieves the spine

- influences the psycho-physical development and fitness of children, developing their strength, speed and endurance

Which outfit should I choose?

When choosing a swimsuit, women should pay attention to several issues:

- a one-piece will be the most comfortable

- the swimsuit should fit

- the swimsuit should be made of material which is resistant to chlorine and durable

Can't swim? Take an interest in aqua aerobics

Aqua aerobics are exercises in water in the form of simple choreographies that resemble aerobics. The exercises are very safe, effective and engage all muscle groups.

The resistance of the water means that 1 minute of exercise in water is equivalent to 5 minutes of normal exercise on land.

Aqua aerobics can be practised by people who are overweight, have osteoporosis or have suffered injuries to their musculoskeletal system.

As you can see, staying in a swimming pool is an excellent way of spending your time. Swimming has a comprehensive effect on the human body, prevents certain illnesses and improves health. And most importantly for busy, working people - it relaxes and unwinds!