
Woman on holiday

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Woman on holiday



The holiday season is in full swing. The weather does not spare us the opportunity for weekend trips out of town and travel agencies attract us with attractive travel offers. Unfortunately, the beautiful holiday moments are often interrupted by unpleasant infections. How, then, can we protect ourselves from ailments of the genitourinary system, which is particularly prone to infections during summer trips?


Our little bodyguards

According to scientific data, there are about 100 species of bacteria (aerobic, anaerobic and yeast) in the vagina of an adult, healthy woman. The most numerous are lactobacilli of the genus Lactobacillus, known as the "guardians of vaginal health" - are responsible for maintaining an acidic pH level. They form a natural barrier that prevents the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

If you take care of your intimate health early enough, you can reduce the likelihood of unpleasant vaginal infections. This can be helped by oral gynaecological probiotics, which are proven to help restore the natural environment of the female reproductive tract. They rebuild the damaged vaginal microflora and restore the acidic pH of the vagina. They also work by regulating and strengthening the intestinal microflora, which harbours these pathogenic bacteria and fungi that migrate from the intestine to the vagina and cause infections in the latter.

Women's S.O.S

Therefore, if an infection occurs, do not hesitate to visit your gynaecologist. Only he or she can recognise the type of ailment and recommend the appropriate treatment. Don't trust 'granny's' methods such as rinsing and washing with various products.

Today, gynaecologists no longer have any doubts that the composition of the microflora of the genitourinary tract should be supplemented with specially selected bacteria of the Lactobacillus genus contained in modern and tested oral gynaecological probiotics - e.g. LaciBios femina. They are the ones that help to maintain the acidic pH of the vagina and contribute to the microbiological balance of its environment, which is the basis of intimate health of every woman regardless of her age. - says midwife specialist Jolanta A. Czebotar of the NZOZ Obstetrics and Gynaecology Outpatient Clinic in Białystok.

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The best method of taking care of intimate health is its prevention. Today, it is easy and simple. All you need to do is to include preparations containing Lactobacillus lactic acid bacilli in your daily diet.