In Poland, ovarian cancer is among the top ten incidence rates of malignant tumours in women. It is characterised by a high mortality rate due to the late presentation of the disease.
The earliest sign of breast cancer is a lump, which can usually be felt by the patient during breast self-examination. However, there are particular forms of breast cancer where the symptoms may be...
In Poland, one of the main oncological problems is cervical cancer. Compared, for instance, to other European countries, where the number of deaths caused by this cancer is falling, we still lack an...
Breast cancer during pregnancy is particularly problematic as it often requires a choice between the life of the mother and the yet unborn child.
In Poland, one of the most common malignancies in women is breast cancer (according to various sources, it ranks first or second in terms of cancer incidence). In addition to the most common types of...
In Poland, ovarian cancer is among the top ten incidence rates of malignant tumours in women. It is characterised by a high mortality rate due to late diagnosis of the disease.
The main treatment for one of the most common malignancies in women (breast cancer) is surgery. There are many operations that are chosen depending on the stage of the cancer. Among the radical...
Although breast cancer is one of the most common malignancies in women in Poland, it is usually detected at an advanced stage. At that point, local, sparing removal of the tumour is no longer...
The basic principle of surgical treatment of breast cancer is the principle of oncological completeness. However, it is not always possible to resect only the tumour and it is necessary to proceed...
CA 15-3 is one of the tumour markers (see above for definition) whose levels are assessed in some patients with breast cancer. It is a simple test that uses a blood sample taken from the patient. ...
Ovarian cancer in Poland is quite common (6th most common cancer). In 2011, more than 3,500 women were affected. The disease usually does not produce symptoms at the beginning, or these are not very...
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in Poland and is the second most frequent cause of death from cancer after lung cancer. Every year, some 16,000 women develop breast cancer and more...
Endometrial cancer develops from epithelial elements. It often arises from pathological proliferations of the endometrium.
Women showing at least three cellular atypia in their breast tissue are eight times more likely to develop breast cancer compared to healthy patients.