The second part of the text on the specificity of children's development according to their birth order presents the typical characteristics of children born second and third in a family.
The birth order has a significant impact on the character and development of children. The following article outlines the specifics of the development of the firstborn child, highlighting the...
Parents have reason to be concerned. There are increasing reports of fatal cases of young people using legal highs. Until recently, substances were legally available on the market. The government...
The reliability of rapid strip tests and urine microscopy in the diagnosis of urinary tract infections in children was assessed.
Little girls become like their mothers, teenagers rebel against them. When a woman becomes a young mother, it is she who serves with her wisdom and help with her newborn baby. It is by her side that...
Chronic hepatitis C (HCV infection) is a serious health problem. This paper provides basic information on the possible sources of infection, the most common symptoms, diagnostic methods and treatment...
An infant's excessive intake of iron can be as harmful as its deficiency. This risk is paradoxically particularly high in children from highly developed countries.
The aeroplane is an increasingly popular means of transport. Even small infants often travel by it.
Mineral or spring water is a healthy drink for your child. Many parents prepare their child's meals and drinks exclusively with shop-bought water. However, there are different types of mineral...
Water is an essential component of daily nutrition. The food served to a child should meet the daily basic requirement and take into account any additional water loss, e.g. during hot weather.
If an infant or young child requires additional supplementary feeding (in addition to drinking standard milk meals), so-called instant teas are usually recommended.
Severe exacerbations, which are sometimes life-threatening conditions, can occur in the course of asthma in children. Exacerbations can occur unexpectedly and develop very rapidly.
Allergy is a condition that is largely genetically determined. In particular, it concerns the so-called type I allergic reaction, associated with the production of specific IgE antibodies (atopy).
Follow-on milk is a modified milk mixture intended for the feeding of babies over 4 months of age.
Elementary mixtures are milk-replacement mixtures containing practically no traces of cow's milk protein, as its protein component is only free amino acids.
The first milk teeth should appear by the time the child is 12 months old. The second teething - which already involves permanent teeth - starts around the age of 6 and lasts until the last molars,...
Motion sickness is defined as intense discomfort in the form of dizziness, nausea and vomiting, occurring during car, boat or air travel.
Measles vaccination is performed with a live vaccine containing a weakened vaccine virus. The current vaccine used in Poland is mainly the MMR triple vaccine, containing measles, mumps and rubella...
The term palatolalia is used to describe a combined speech disorder, i.e. complex dyslalia and rhinolalia (nasalization), occurring in cases of cleft palate (Latin palatoschisis - palatum - palate,...
Faecal leakage is physiological in younger children. Occasionally it occurs in children over 4 years of age, but then it should be called a medical condition.