Progeria from the Greek means 'premature old age'. It is a genetic disease that was first described in 1886 by Jonathan Hutchinson after which it was described by Hastings Gilford. The disease is...
What is fatigue and what are the disease causes of fatigue? Everyone needs rest, relaxation and essential nutrients, the lack of which can upset the body's normal functioning and even cause...
The family is the basic cell of society. This is where personality, lifestyle, value system and views are formed. School and peers reinforce the influence of the family or modify and complement it.
Mother, mummy, mummy. The most important person in our lives, without whom we would not be in the world. A mother loves unconditionally, no matter what. It is worth thinking about how to make her day...
We associate spa with a rich offer of relaxation for body and soul. Cabinets and wellness centres are constantly expanding their offer and introducing treatments based on natural materials. Recently,...
Salt cannot be completely abandoned as it provides sodium, which is essential for the body to function properly. However, consuming it in excess is harmful, which is why salt is often referred to...
Your child is about to leave for summer camp. She's of puberty age and you have visions of three sleepless weeks because you'll be under stress about whether you'll accidentally become a...
The holiday season and the long-awaited holiday from work and school are fast approaching. It should be a time pleasantly spent, free from problems such as illness. Some events cannot be foreseen,...
Spinal pain syndromes are most often caused by a sedentary lifestyle. Soft chairs and lack of physical activity lead to damage to the spine's stabilising apparatus, abolition of physiological curves,...
The expressiveness of carnival make-up is defined this season by warm colours, stronger, thoughtful accents and soft shimmer. The most fashionable looks are dominated by intensively emphasised eyes...
Afterburners are substances that can have psychoactive effects. Their composition is not well known and it is sometimes difficult to predict their effect.
Parents have reason to be concerned. There are increasing reports of fatal cases of young people using legal highs. Until recently, substances were legally available on the market. The government...
The authors of the publication cited above selected 35 restaurants recommended as worthy of a visit by two major Bangkok guidebooks. A total of 70 samples of various dishes were taken at these...
There are several very important stages in the life of a family. The bride and groom have the opportunity to get to know each other even more closely. The wedding day is the first day of life for...
Anti-HBe is a determination of antibodies against the hepatitis B virus (HBV) core 'e' antigen.
Multiple sclerosis most often starts between the ages of 20 and 30, but can also affect children. This article summarises knowledge about the pathogenesis, symptoms and treatment of this disease.
A modern contraceptive method in the form of a hormone-releasing patch.
Disorder of normal vaginal lubrication creating problems with sexual intercourse.
Type 2 diabetes is a common disease in adults. Many patients use oral antidiabetic drugs regularly. For this reason, these drugs are often found in the home and can cause severe poisoning in...
Lowering of the anterior and/or posterior vaginal wall.